One could argue, however, for a community of interpretation in relation to Adinkra symbolism that is not bound by any conventions apart from those imposed by the capacities of the human mind. This possibility of interpretive freedom arises from the relatively unelaborated character of Adinkra symbolism. I have not come across more than one effort, for example, to relate the form of the designs to the ideas they are meant to symbolise. That lack of elaboration implies that the symbolism has not been significantly fixed or reified, as has been done by the elite class of the priesthood in most religious traditions or by the weight of convention emerging from a broader based social symbolisation, as emerges from some symbol systems that are not necessarily religious,as with natural language. The kind of interpretive community I am advocating, one that is not bound by interpretive conventions, would be something like the open source model in computer programming, but would be something ev...