In relation to this, Okrapon Bosomafi sees the origin of Adinkra as possibly the outcome of meditations on the imprint on the okara, of the “small bit of the Creator that lives in every person’s body”, as described by Busia,of the intelligence or message the person brings with them from Otweaduampon Nyame when taking leave of Nyame,to adapt Danquah’s words. Whatever the origins of Adinkra might be, Kuntunkantan can be used in evoking a sense of ultimate purpose, and the integration of the disparate endeavours of ones life into a unity, a unity related to the evocation of the totality of one’s possibilities as springing from the ground of ones being. This understanding of human possibility is correlated with the two hundred and fifty six Odu of the Yoruba Ifa and the Dahomean Fa,to represent an understanding of the variety of ways of organising one’s life in terms of a centre of purpose, one central concept being represented by one Odu. All the Odu representing not one unique possibility but a possibility of combination of various possibilities in one unique way. It is undtstood that these possibilities could be relevant for one stage of a persons life to give way fro another only to remerge at later stage, or constitute guiding centre fro an entire life time, with the other possibilities operating in relation to this central possibility.
In terms of the possibilities of the self, the Adinkra symbols could be meditated on as expressions of the potential of the self which are enfolded within its innermost embrace, in the manner in which the petals of a flower are folded within it before they are unfolded, or as the realisation of possibilities that emerge ion the course of living and which are not inherent to the self but constitute an informed choice from the realm of possibilities that open up to the individual in the existential context of their lives. Along those lines, contemplation of the Adinkra symbols could be understood as a means of entering into the presence of the Okara so as to experience the totality of its possibilities or as a means of integrating the totality of possibilities encountered or even envisaged in the course of one life or at a particular point of that life, a practice that could lead ultimately to an achievement which the Adinkrahene-the Adinkra community-correlated with Zulu thought, where, as described by Mazisi Kunene
After creation, man was endowed with two minds: the precision mind and the cosmic mind. While the precision mind analyses and reorganises the details of the material environment, the cosmic mind synthesizes fragments of information to create a universally significant body of knowledge. Man can live quite happily using the precision mind, but he can only attain knowledge through a balanced functioning of the two aspects of reason. At the highest point of reasoning, significant units of information merge with universal concepts pulled together y a unique form of intellectual power.
When the cosmic mind grinds its elements of experience into a totality of knowledge, it acquires a discipline which by its horrific power erases the boundaries between the past and the present, the living and the dead, the physical and the non-physical. The individual initiate acquires, like the chameleon’s all round vision, the capacity to conceptualise the totality of life at once. Such wisdom is enshrined in the rounded calabash of symbolic cosmic power.
Contemplation of Adinkra, therefore, enables one to range over entire universes of understanding, whether already encoded in relation to Adinkra symbolism or not. Such meditation, to adapt Kunene’s description of cognition, is milking the cow of experience, it is a distillation of understanding through the fire of effort and non-effort, through active thought and non-thought, the latter being the concentrated abstinence from thought that leads to understanding, guided by the evocative designs of Adinkra symbolism, as in Kuntunkantan which evokes the unity of the many in the one.