A similar conception of relationships between circumscription that makes disciplined and productive activity possible and the freedom that enables creative development is represented by Aquinas’s conception of the ground of being as the end, agent and exemplar of existence and as the source of the “activity called freedom”. Along those lines, the social and material structures of individual life make that life possible as a biological and human development, but within or in relation to the circumscription created by biology, society, the limitations of space and time, a degree of free will is enabled through which the distinctive development of every human being is realised.
Encapsulating a similar conception as Aquinas, Pascal describes God as a circle with its circumference everywhere and its centre nowhere. The emptiness of the centre suggesting plenitude. Of opportunity suggested by empty space where possibilities are yet undefined. A plenitude of creative possibilities suggested by its associations with primal beginnings where the structuring forms of time, space and matter are yet to be. The Bindu of Hindu Yantra of out which everything emerges. The Ain Soph, the Unmanifest of the Kabalistic Tree of Life. A sense of freshness, of nascent, pregnant possibility evoked by what Achebe describeS as “Morning Yet on Creation Day”.